Bar & Social
The club bar is open every weekday evening and is manned by volunteers from the club’s playing and non-playing members.
The club bar sells draught and bottled beers, lagers, isotonic and other soft drinks, spirits/mixers, red & white wine, crisps, peanuts and other snacks, as well as squash balls and racket grips, all at a very reasonable price.
Please note that we only accept card payments, NO CASH!
Bar Hours
Monday – Thursday 19:30 – 22:30 (not bank holidays)
Friday 20:00 – 23:00
Saturday / Sunday: On request
Bar Staffing
Should the bar not be manned then please contact the appropriate person from the above list, or me! Do be patient if we’re not quite able to open at 7.30 – most us have jobs and/or kids too!
Do please volunteer if you can – No volunteer, no beer!
Andrew Telford – 07711 613140

The Social Side
Reigate Squash Club prides itself on organising some very special social events.
The most popular of these is held on the first Friday of every month and is known as ‘100 club’. Why is it called 100 club? Because there could be up to 100 balls in the draw barrel and one of them could be yours!
On this evening, a prize draw takes place, with the cash roller prize starting at £50 and increasing monthly if the winner is not in the club house on the evening of the draw.
In addition, there are various ‘fun’ prizes to be won.
The main attraction however remains the fabulous home-cooked buffet provided by a pool of members…and the cheap refreshments! If you’d like to know more about 100 club or add your ball to the draw, please drop us an email –
We also hold an annual golf ‘hackers’ day and trips to local breweries to sample their wares!
The club also has a dinner dance, a diamond doubles competition, quiz & chips and other events that members organise.
Keep an eye on the newsletter section for upcoming social events!