Club Sessions
Monday Skills & Drills 12pm
Volunteer-led skills & drills
Tuesday Club Night 6pm Till Late
No pre-booking of courts is allowed so that all members of any standard can turn up and play as many 15 minute games as their bodies allow. Refreshment & recovery can then be found in the Club Bar. £2.75 per player for the evening. Perhaps you’re not sure which league to start in? This is the perfect way to find out!
Thursday Club Morning 9.30am - 12pm
Turn up and play - £2.75 for the morning for full/junior members, any playing member of the club is welcome to attend. Why not come and give it a try?
Saturday & Wednesday Junior Coaching
Click above for more information
Racketball Club Night Friday 6.45pm
First Friday of the month
Sunday Squash & Racketball Fitness 4.15pm
Sunday Club Night from 6.45pm
Another addition to our calendar. Courts are available from 18:45 and is still just £2.75 per player for squash and racketball, singles & doubles.
Members are asked to transfer £2.75 from their accounts to **Club Night, **Club Morning or ***Sunday Club Night before taking part.