Leagues & Robin Turk Cup


The main leagues are for adults or more ‘senior’ juniors!
League cycles typically run for seven weeks, with between 6 – 8 players in each league. Each player makes a
number of challenges and in general two players are promoted and two move down at the end of the cycle.

Robin Turk Cup

Robin was a long standing member of Reigate and also ran the internal leagues for a number of years.
We have reinstated the Robin Turk Cup for our members to compete for each year.
The league points are totted up at the end of each league cycle and the players jostle for position!
In order to be eligible for the cup, players must spend less than 50% in leagues 1 & 2 across the course of the year.
At the end of the year the player at the top of the list will be presented with the coveted Robin Turk cup.

The leagues are organised on MyCourts. If you are new to the club or need any help, please contact us